IL Postino is an Italian movie about the life of Pablo Neruda and his friendship that was formed with the postman. I thought the movie was sweet because it dealt with the three themes that I will be talking about on this post: love, class, and poetry. The only thing that I did not like about this film is that is in Italian. Other than that there weren't many parts that I didn't like because it is simply a great movie.
       Patriotism of defined as the love of one's country and willingness to sacrifice for it. The theme of love in this film is Love conquers all. In this film Pablo Neruda is from the country of Chile but is residing in a little town in Italy because he was forced to leave his home town of Chile because of political reasons. In the movie you can tell he wants to go home to Chile because of the way he looks when someone is talking about it. Evidence of this is when he and the wife are at Mario's, the postman, wedding. He receives a letter from Chile stating that he may come home now; he and his wife gladly accept. This is example of patriotism because even though Pablo Neruda never wanted to leave his country that he loves he did because he would sacrifice his want to be there for it.
       The class system in that little town of Italy was just like any other class system. The theme of class if Appearance Matters. There were basically the lower class, fishing and land working, middle class, the people that owned businesses but were still kind of poor, and  the upper class, the poets and famous actors. You can tell the difference between upper and lower class by the colors and the way they dress. If you had lighter colors on then you were in the upper class and darker you were in the lower class. I don't believe the class system affected the relationship between class; an example would be the loving friend relation ship between Pablo and Mario.
      The love of poetry in this movie is magnificent. The theme for poetry is Be Yourself. Mario had such talent when he was thinking about his wife Beatrice and poetry together. You can see this when she reads the poems and metaphors that Mario wrote to her. Metaphors were a big part of this film because it was basically all of the poetry that Mario and Neruda wrote. An example would be "Your smile is like a butterfly." In this movie and in real life the poetry was amazing. This film was great and I'm glad that I got to see it.
9/8/2010 11:53:53 pm

Hey Jaelin! Where's your other work like your poems? I want to read them. I also e-mailed you instructions on how to change your picture. I want to see some pizzaz!^_^


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