Dear Diary,

Today I saw something that I'd never seen before a married man and that man's sister in law lust over each other. Tita has always loved Pedro but I didn't know to this degree. He compliments Tita more than he compliments his own wife, Rosaura. Just today Rosaura made her first meal; Pedro said it was OK for her first time but when Tita brings out her food, he acts like he is eating ambrosia.

I must put a stop to this immediately. I just have not devised a plan to make Rosaura and Pedro leave my house and Tita's lust. Maybe I will have to make Pedro get a job elsewhere so he and Rosaura will have to leave and be as far away from Tita as possible.

Until then I will have my eyes pierced on both Tita and Pedro at all times. I'll have to keep Tita in the kitchen,where she belongs, making some of my most favorite meals: Christmas rolls, cake,and quail in a rose petal sauce. Maybe this will work out in two ways : I will keep Pedro and Tita away from each other and I also get the most delicious food out of her!

As for Pedro, I will have to keep Pedro at work with his father. There house building company is promising but not producing enough jobs. Pedro is home all of the time because of this. I wonder …. I could get Father Ignacio another part built for church. That will keep him busy for days maybe even weeks. This will give me enough time to get him and Rosaura away from Tita.

I've figured it out! I will send Rosaura, Robert, and Pedro to the United States where my brother works and get him a job. This is perfect; Tita will be here taking care of me while Pedro will be far far away and be with his loving wife and son. I've done it!

Until Next Time,

Mama Elena

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